[ICKSMCB 2024] Poster Presentation Schedule
» Name : KSMCB |
» Date : 2024-09-11 |
» Count : 983 |
POSTER (Day 1) |
Floor |
13:30-14:30, (Wed) October 9, 2024 |
Category |
5F |
A)Aging |
B) Biochemistry |
C) Biotechnology |
D) Cancer Biology (Poster No. D001 - D054) |
6F |
D) Cancer Biology (Poster No. D055 - D109) |
E) Cell Cycle and Cell Death |
F) Cell Signaling |
G) Organelles and Cellular Architecture |
H) Computational and Systems Biology |
I) Developmental Biology |
J) Drug Discovery and Translational Medicine |
POSTER (Day 2) |
Floor |
13:30-14:30, (Thurs) October 10, 2024 |
Category |
5F |
K) Epigenetics and Gene Regulation |
L) Genetics and Genome Biology |
M) Immunology |
N) Metabolism |
O) Microbiology |
6F |
P) Neuroscience |
Q) Plant Science |
R) Proteostasis: Autophagy, Chaperone, and Proteosome |
S) RNA Biology |
T) Stem Cell and Regeneration |
U) Others |
V) Commercial |
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