ICKSMCB 2020 / 2020 International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology / September 17(Mon)-19(Wed), 2020 / COEX, Seoul, Korea

Award Lecture

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MERCK 350 Future Researcher Award Lecture

October 7 (Wed), 12:10-13:00, Channel B

Chair : Jaewhan Song, Ph.D. (Yonsei University, Korea)

Regulation of PCNA cycling by ATAD5-RFC-Like-Complex
Mi-Sun Kang, Ph.D.
Center for Genomic Integrity, Korea
NANOG-HDAC1 axis drives resistance to cancer immunotherapy
Se Jin Oh, Ph.D.
Korea University, Korea
Arginine methylation as a key post-translational modification in skeletal muscle homeostasis
Hyeon-Ju Jeong, Ph.D.
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea