Satellite Meeting l Tuesday, September 27 - Wednesday, September 28 (2days)
HOME > Invitation > Organizing Committee
President | Goo Taeg Oh | Ewha Womans University |
Senior Vice President | Junho LEE | Seoul National University |
Vice President | Ji Hoon Ahn | Korea University |
Vice President | Suk Kyeong Lee | The Catholic University of Korea |
Vice President | Soo Young Lee | Ewha Womans University |
Resident of the Branch & Division | Jin Han | College of Medicine, Inje University |
Council Member | Byung Heon Lee | Kyungpook National University School of Medicine |
Council Member | Sang-Bong Choi | Myunggi University |
Council Member | Jae Yong Han | Seoul National University |
Council Member | Ja-Hyun Baik | Korea University |
Council Member | Jeongsil Ha | Sejong University |
Council Member | Sung-Oh Huh | Hallym University |
Auditor | Jin Won Cho | Yonsei University |
Auditor | Rho Hyun Seong | Seoul National University |
Secretary General | Yoon Ki Kim | Korea University |
Vice Secretary General | Ho Hee Jang | Gachon University |
Vice Secretary General | TaeSoo Kim | Ewha Womans University |
2023 Secretary General | Seok Hee Park | Sungkyunkwan University |
Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee | Cheol-Sang Hwang | POSTECH |
Chair of the Awards & Honors Affairs Committee | Keun Il Kim | Sookmyung Women's University |
Chair of the Branch & Division Committee | Hyuk Wan Ko | Yonsei University |
Chair of the Education Affairs Committee | Mi-Ryoung Song | Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
Chair of the Election Commission Committee | Woong Sun | Korea University College of Medicine |
Chair of the Ethics Committee | Jae Ho Kim | Pusan National University |
Chair of the External Affairs Committee | Dae-Sik Lim | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Chair of the Financial Affairs Committee | Jin Woo Kim | KAIST |
Chair of the Fund Committee | Je Kyung Seong | Seoul National University |
Chair of the Ilchun Committee | Jong-Il Kim | Seoul National University College of Medicine |
Chair of the International Affairs Committee | Tae-Kyung Kim | POSTECH |
Chair of the IT Management Committee | Kwang-Hee Bae | Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology |
Chair of the Membership & Welfare Committee | Joo-Yeon Yoo | POSTECH |
Chair of the Newsletter Editorial Board Committee | You-Sun Kim | Ajou University |
Chair of the Planning Committee | Daeyoup Lee | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Chair of the Policy & Outreach Committee | Young Yang | Sookmyung Women's University |
Chair of the Public Relations Committee | Sang-Kyu Ye | Seoul National University |
Chair of the Publication Committee | Yun Kee | Kangwon National University |
Chair of the Winter Conference Organization Committee | Jaesang Kim | Ewha Womans University, Korea |
Editor-in-Chief of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Jae Bum Kim | Seoul National University |
Editor-in-Chief of the Newsletter Editorial Board Committee | You-Sun Kim | Ajou University School of Medicine |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Cheol-Sang Hwang | POSTECH |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Daehee Hwang | Seoul National University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Ho Jae Han | Seoul National University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Hyukjin Cha | Seoul National University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Hyun Kyu Song | Korea University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Jaesang Kim | Ewha Womans University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Jaewhan Song | Yonsei University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Jin Woo Kim | KAIST |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Ji-Young Lee | Seoul National University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Jong-Woo Sohn | KAIST |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Min-Seon Kim | University of Ulsan |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Sang Ki Park | POSTECH |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Seung-Hoi Koo | Korea University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Seung-Jae Lee | KAIST |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Tae-Kyung Kim | POSTECH |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Tae-Young Yoon | Seoul National University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Woong Sun | Korea University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Yeonseok Chung | Seoul National University |
Associate Editor of the Molecules and Cells Editorial Board Committee | Yoon Ki Kim | Korea University |
Manager of the Academic Affairs Committee | Sung Gyoo Park | Seoul National University |
Manager of the Academic Affairs Committee | Eun-Jin Lee | Korea University, Department of Life Sciences |
Manager of the Awards & Honors Affairs Committee | Sungsoon Fang | Yonsei University College of Medicine |
Manager of the Awards & Honors Affairs Committee | Ji Min Lee | KAIST |
Manager of the Branch & Division Committee | Kyuhyung Kim | DGIST |
Manager of the Education Affairs Committee | Hyung-Sik Kim | Pusan National University School of Dentistry |
Manager of the Education Affairs Committee | Sung Hyun Kim | Kyung Hee University, School of Medicine |
Manager of the Education Affairs Committee | Kyung Hyun Ryu | Sookmyung Women's University |
Manager of the Education Affairs Committee | Jinju Han | KAIST |
Manager of the Election Commission Committee | Eun Mi Hur | Seoul National University |
Manager of the Ethics Committee | Young Chan Chae | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology |
Manager of the External Affairs Committee | Hyo Jung Kang | Chung-Ang University |
Manager of the Financial Affairs Committee | Jae Young Kwon | Sungkyunkwan University |
Manager of the Fund Committee | Jae-Hoon Choi | Hanyang University |
Manager of the Ilchun Committee | Dong Sung Lee | University of Seoul |
Manager of the International Affairs Committee | Je-Min Choi | Hanyang University |
Manager of the IT Management Committee | Jin-Wu Nam | Hanyang University |
Manager of the Membership & Welfare Committee | Hee-Sae Park | Chonnam National University |
Manager of the Newsletter Editorial Board Committee | Jaerak Chang | Ajou University School of Medicine |
Manager of the Newsletter Editorial Board Committee | Wantae Kim | Chungnam National University |
Manager of the Planning Committee | Yoo-Wook Kwon | Seoul National University Hospital |
Manager of the Planning Committee | Lark Kyun Kim | Yonsei University College of Medicine |
Manager of the Planning Committee | Sung-Min Ahn | Gachon University |
Manager of the Planning Committee | Woochul Chang | Pusan National University |
Manager of the Planning Committee | Won Do Heo | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Manager of the Policy & Outreach Committee | Doo-Byoung Oh | Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology |
Manager of the Public Relations Committee | Won-Kon Kim | Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology |
Manager of the Publication Committee | Jung-Shin Lee | Kangwon National University |
Manager of the Winter Conference Organization Committee | Minsoo Noh | Seoul National University |
Manager of the Winter Conference Organization Committee | Jae-Seok Roe | Yonsei University |
Chair of the Busan-Ulsan-Kyungnam Branch | Jin Han | College of Medicine, Inje University |
Chair of the Daegu-Kyungpook Branch | Eui Kyun Park | Kyungpook National University |
Chair of the Daejon-Chungchong Branch | EunJoo Kim | Dankook University |
Chair of the Honam-Jeju Branch | Jeong-Sun Kim | Chonnam National University |
Chair of the Kangweon Branch | Sung Ho Jeon | Hallym University |
Chair of the Caenorhabditis. elegans Division | Kyung Suk Lee | Kongju National University |
Chair of the Cell Cycle Division | Hongtae Kim | UNIST |
Chair of the Ciliary Organelles Division | Hyuk Wan Ko | Yonsei University |
Chair of the Drosophila Division | Eun Young Kim | Ajou University School of Medicine |
Chair of the Epigenomics Division | Jin Hoe Huh | Seoul National University |
Chair of the Geriatric Diseases Division | Kun Ho Lee | Chosun University |
Chair of the Lipid Biology Division | Tae-Sik Park | Gachon University |
Chair of the Mitochondrion Division | Jin Han | College of Medicine, Inje University |
Chair of the Molecular Virology Division | Man-Seong Park | Korea University |
Chair of the Mouse Genomics Division | Ho Lee | National Cancer Center |
Chair of the Neurodevelopmental Biology Division | Woong Sun | Korea University College of Medicine |
Chair of the Peroxisome Division | Dong-Hyung Cho | Kyungpook National University |
Chair of the Plant Molecular Biology Division | Jong-Seong Jeon | Kyung Hee University |
Chair of the Protein Metabolism Division | Hyun Kyu Song | Korea University |
Chair of the RNA Division | Yoon Ki Kim | Korea University |
Chair of the Stress and Chaperone Division | Sung Hoon Back | University of Ulsan |
Chair of the Transposable Element Division | Kyudong Han | Dankook University |
Chair of the Tumor Microenvironment Division | Yun-Han Lee | Keimyung University School of Medicine |
Chair of the Xenopus Division | Hyun-Shik Lee | Kyungpook National University |
Chair of the Zebrafish Division | Hyunju Ro | Chungnam National University |