ICKSMCB 2022 / 2022 International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology / September 28 - 30, 2022 / ICC JEJU

Call for Abstracts

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Abstract Submission Deadline:  by August 19 (Fri), 2022

The submission of an abstract implies that the authors are consent to its publication in the Abstract Book and willing to participate in the Conference. All presenting authors of abstracts have to register by August 19 (Fri), 2022 and participate this meeting. Please plan ahead to register abstract as we have limited space for poster presentations and podium talks.

Confirm or Modify Registration

Edit / Withdrawal of Submitted Abstract, Notice of Acceptance Go to Confirmation/Modification of the Registration

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. 1. Abstracts should be written in English.
  2. 2. Abstracts should be submitted online.
  3. 3. Authors may further edit and modify submitted abstracts until the submission deadline through the online system. Please make sure that there are no typographical or grammatical errors in the submitted abstract as it will be included in the program book without further editing.
  4. 4. After the submission deadline, online submission system will be closed and therefore, revising abstracts will not be possible.
  5. 5. Please use the following CV template
    Please use this CV template For Young Investigators Research Awards/Travel Grant Awards Applicants
    Please use this CV template For Speaker/Awardee only
A. Title
  • Use a concise title that indicates the content of the abstract.
  • The first letter of words should be capitalized.
  • Preposition and article should be lowercased. Don't use italicized letters.
B. Authors & Affiliations: Select number of authors and affiliations.
  1. 1) Please enter authors' full name.
  2. 2) Names and surnames for each author must be provided.
  3. 3) For the corresponding author(s), check the box next to the corresponding author(s)' name(s).
  4. 4) Please use the preferred format of author affiliation.
    (name of department, name of institute, city, postal code, country)
    ex. Department of Life Science, Hankook University, Seoul 00000, Korea
C. Contents
Abstracts should not exceed 1,200 characters. Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted and will not be edited in any way. There is no fixed format for the abstracts. However, we strongly recommend that the abstracts should contain the purpose of the study, the methods, a summary of the results and conclusion reached.
D. Keywords: A minimum of five (5) keywords, summarizing the contents of the abstract, should be entered.

Categories of the Poster Abstract

POSTER ¥° 10:00-17:00, September 28, 2022
POSTER ¥± 10:00-17:00, September 29, 2022
No. Category Subject No. Category Subject
1 Aging
Aging Process
Age-Related Diseases
Other related fields
12 Genetics and Genome Biology
DNA Replication and Recombination
Evolutionary Biology
Genome Stability
Human and Microbial Genetics
Model Organisms
Other related fields
2 Biochemistry
Chemical Biology
Structural Biology
Other related fields
13 Immunology
Immunological Disorders
Immuno Therapy
Other related fields
3 Biotechnology
Cell Engineering
Genetic Engineering
Laboratory Automations and Robotics
Protein Engineering
Other related fields
14 Metabolism
Cellular Metabolism
Metabolic Disorders
Other related fields
4 Cancer Biology
Cancer Signaling
Cancer Therapy
Cellular and Molecular Cancer Biology
Tumor Microenvironment
Other related fields
15 Microbiology
Other related fields
5 Cell Cycle and Cell Death
Cell Cycle
Cell Death
Cell Proliferation
Other related fields
16 Neuroscience
Brain and Nervous System
Cognitive and Behavior Neuroscience
Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
Neurological Disorders
Other related fields
6 Cell Signaling
Cell-to-Cell Communications
Signal Transduction
Stress Responses
Other related fields
17 Plant Science
Plant Biology and Physiology
Plant Omics
Plant Stress and Defense
Crop science
Plant Biotechnology
7 Intracellular compartments and architecture
Cellular Organelles
Membrane and Lipid Biology
Trafficking and Motility
Other related fields
18 Proteostasis
Protein Biogenesis
Protein Folding and Degradation
Protein Modifications
Other related fields
8 Computational and Systems Biology
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data and Bioinformatics
Mathematical Biology
Other related fields
19 RNA Biology
Non-coding RNA
RNA Metabolism and Diseases
Small RNAs and Ribonucleoproteins
Transcription and Translation
Other related fields
9 Developmental Biology
Developmental Diseases
Developmental Model Organisms
Organismal Differentiation
Other related fields
20 Stem Cell and Regeneration
Applied Stem Cell Technologies
Stem Cell Biology
Other related fields
10 Drug Discovery and Translational Medicine
Diagnosis and Therapeutics of Disease
Molecular and Experimental Medicine
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Translational Biology
Other related fields
21 Others
11 Epigenetics and Gene Regulation
Chromatin Structure and Remodeling
DNA and Histone Modifications
Gene Expression and Transcription
Other related fields
22 Commercial

Withdrawal of Abstracts

If the presenting author does not register by the informed registration date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program. If you want to withdraw the abstracts which have been submitted, please notify the KSMCB Secretariat in writing or email as soon as possible.

Notification of Acceptance

All submitted abstracts are not reviewed in advance. Therefore, if you submit an abstract, you will prepare a poster to present and it will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee according to standard review procedures in the post presentation session.
The detailed poster presentation schedule will be sent by e-mail to corresponding and first authors by August, 2022.

Poster Presentations

Each poster will be displayed for a day at the Meeting from September 28-29. Presenters should be post before their posters at scheduled times to answer questions and to discuss their results.

Poster Presentation Date & Place

Posting Time Poster Posting ¥° : 10:00-17:00, Sep. 28 (Wed)
Poster Posting ¥± : 10:00-17:00, Sep. 29 (Thu)
Date & Time (Mount)

Before 10:00 on your posting date

Date & Time (Removal) After 17:00 [Sep.28 (Wed)], After 17:00 [Sep. 29 (Thu)]
on your posting date

Tamna Hall B,C

General Guidelines for Poster Presentation

  1. 1. Presenters should finish registration for the conference.
  2. 2. The preferred content of poster has abstract, purpose of experiment, results (figures, tables), conclusions,
        and references.
  3. 3. The messages should be clear and easy to understand without oral explanation.
  4. 4. Please use sticky tapes to attach your poster on the board. (Please bring your own tapes.); No double-sided
        tapes, pins or thumb tacks can be used.
  5. 5. Every poster has to be removed by presenters after their posting.

Guidelines for Attaching a Poster

The size of poster board provided is 100 cm wide and 250 cm high.
Please prepare a 10-30 cm high headline strip that runs the full width of the poster with the title, author(s), and affiliation(s).
Please attach your poster 30-40 cm below the top of the poster board.

Guidelines for attaching a poster