ICKSMCB 2023 / 2023 International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology / September 28 - 30, 2023 / ICC JEJU

Nobel Laureate Lecture

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eLife: meet the editors

November 8Wed, 12:40-13:30, Halla Hall (3F)

Alessio Bolognesi

Accelerating scientific discovery

Alessio Bolognesi, Ph.D.

Moderator: Murim Choi (eLife, Seoul National University)
Moderator: Jiwon Shim (eLife, Hanyang University)

Scientific publishing is a crucial part of the research process. However, evidence suggests it also suffers from a number of drawbacks. The talk will outline the new publishing model launched by eLife in January 2023 and describe how this model addresses some of the current drawbacks of scientific publishing. Some metrics on the new publishing model for the first six months of 2023 will also be presented (e.g., submission volumes, percentage of manuscripts sent for peer review, distribution of terms used in the common vocabulary as part of the eLife assessments, etc.)

Moderator session: Submitting and handling eLife papers in Korea

eLife editors in Korea are willing to handle good-quality papers from Korean researchers. Below are their areas of interest and emails.

Name(Eng) Affiliation Email eLife subject area
Joon-Yong An Korea University joonan30@korea.ac.kr Computational and systems biology, Genetics and genomics, Medicine, Neuroscience
Eun-ji, Cheong Yonsei University eunjicheong@yonsei.ac.kr Neuroscience
Jung-min, Choi Korea University jungminchoi@korea.ac.kr Cancer biology, Computational and systems biology, Genetics and genomics, Medicine
Mu-rim, Choi Seoul National University murimchoi@snu.ac.kr Genetics and genomics, Medicine
Seung-hee, Hong Yonsei University seungheehong@yonsei.ac.kr Computational and systems biology, Immunology and inflammation
Young-sung, Joo Seoul National University yousjoo@snu.ac.kr Ecology
Sang-Gyu, Kim KAIST sgkim1@kaist.ac.kr Plant biology
Si-hoon, Lee Gachon University shleemd@gachon.ac.kr Genetics and genomics, Medicine
Ji-hwan, Park GIST jihwan.park724@gmail.com Computational and systems biology, Medicine
Jong-Eun, Park KAIST jp24@kaist.ac.kr Cell biology, Cancer biology, Computational and systems biology
Pil-Joon, Seo Seoul National University pjseo1@snu.ac.kr Plant biology
Jiwon, Shim Hanyang University jshim@hanyang.ac.kr Cell biology, Developmental biology, Genetics and genomics, Immunology and inflammation
Sang-Hee, Shim Korea University sangheeshim@korea.ac.kr Structural biology and molecular biophysics