Information of Minireview published in Mol. Cells Vol. 31, No. 6

Mol. Cells, Vol. 31, No. 6.

The Coded Functions of Noncoding RNAs for Gene Regulation

Sojin An, and Ji-Joon Song*
Structural Biology Laboratory of Epigenetics, Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology
(World Class University), KI Institute for the BioCentury, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, Korea

For eukayrotes, the fine tuning of the gene expression is necessary to coordinate the complex genetic information. The recent works show that nonconding RNAs (ncRNAs) play central roles in fine tuning the gene expression. ncRNAs expand their functional realm from mRNA degradation to epigenetic regulation and alternative splicing. Finding this new player in the gene regulation implicates that the gene regulation is much more complicate and subtle than what we know so far. In this review, new findings of ncRNAs in gene regulation will be discussed